Already a qualified diver?

Great – you’re in the right place – continue your scuba adventure with BSAC!

The great thing about being already qualified (as well as hopefully having a passion for the sport already) is that it is easy to start diving with BSAC. Other agency qualifications are recognised (PADI, SSI, SAA, ScotSAC, NAUI etc) and no further training is necessary, unless you’d like further training.

You can do further training if you wish…

If you would like to further your training with a BSAC qualification, your diver grade is recognised so you can progress to the next higher BSAC grade (no need to retrain you can simply progress). So, for example…

If you are PADI Open Water or Advanced Open Water qualified

These qualifications are similar to: BSAC Ocean Diver

Your next training course/qualification would be: BSAC Sports Diver

PADI Rescue Diver
This is similar to: BSAC Sports Diver
Your next training course/qualification would be: BSAC Dive Leader

View BSAC equivalent qualifications

Not been diving in a while?

If it’s been a while (maybe six months or maybe ten years or more!) since you were last in the water, you may:

  • have forgotten how to put the dive gear together
  • be worried about your buoyancy control
  • not remember ever doing rescue skills

All of the above is absolutely fine and it’s what we do all the time – support divers in getting back in the water and up to speed.

Any member can take advantage of free refresher training.

Haven’t dived in the UK?

If you haven’t dived in the UK before that’s absolutely fine. We can teach you everything you need to know. our club can help you with a little extra training if necessary – such as drysuit training or a general refresher if you haven’t been diving for a while and need to refresh your scuba skills. Or, you can progress to the next diver grade should you wish. Alex joined BSAC as a PADI Advanced Diver. Listen to Alex’s story…
Fees listed bellow are for a year’s membership to Warrington SAC. The total price includes a BSAC membership (see for member benefits) and our club fees. Discounts are available for joint membership please ask for details.
Type Of MembershipBSAC Membership FeeOur Club FeeTotal Price
Junior (Under 18)£37.00£68.80£105.80
Student (18+)£37.00£79£116.00

If you are not qualified or would like to further your training the fees for our courses are listed bellow.

Course Price
Ocean Diver (First step in becoming a diver)£156.50
Sports Diver£100.00 *
Dive Leader £100.00 *
Advanced Diver£100.00 *

Prices include all equipment needed for pool sessions but additional kit may be required for open water lessons.

** All prices are correct of 29/01/2020 and are subject to change